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Synergetic contains a full range of functions for controlling the financial side of your organisation.

Accounting structure

The accounting structure incorporates the following elements, which you can tailor according to the needs of your organisation.

general ledger diagrams (modified 110425)



General ledger accounts

The general ledger controls all financial activity for the organisation.

Sub allocation Codes

Sub-allocations allow you to break down general ledger accounts to identify and report on expenses that you do not want to budget for at the general ledger level. For example, team projects, events or school camps.

Chart of Accounts

The chart of accounts is a group of general ledger accounts that allows you to categorise and report on income and expenditure according to different categories, for example, stationery, photocopying, books.


A division is a group of cost centres. It may be a section or grouping of departments within your organisation, such as the administration department, junior school and senior school.

Cost centres

A cost centre will often be a department within your organisation, for example, English or R.E. (Religious Education). The cost centre code can be part of the general ledger code, or it can be arbitrary.

You can optionally link general ledger codes to cost centres.

Finance reports

There are a number of finance reports that extract and report on information directly from the general ledger.

Example of defining general ledger codes

There are many different ways to define your general ledger codes. The example below shows general ledger codes linked to the chart of accounts and cost centre codes.

Example defining general ledger codes

Last modified: 21/06/2016 3:56:22 PM

In This Section

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Maintaining configuration files

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Configuring NAB Transact

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Maintaining sales setup data

Using Synergetic for financial purposes

© 2017 Synergetic Management Systems. Published 20 July 2017.

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